Thursday 28 April 2011

A Red Cape

When I was growing up my mother had sewn a red cape for my brother to play in. I think he pretended to be a superhero. I used it too to be a hero or a princess. It was one of those play items which lended itself to all sorts of make believe. So it's not surprising that a year ago I found myself sewing a red cape for my sons with neither them nor I knowing what it was for or if it was for anything at all.
I needn't have worried. Said red cape has been Superman, an accessory for school's Red Nose Day (charity fundraising day) and now a king's robe. I'm tempted to rank this as invaluable as legos and play doh.

Sunday 3 April 2011


Henry's mother's day card to me. Believe it or not, it's a picture of his Daddy! Eyes, nose, hair, arms, legs and feet. What do you think?
He's not just an artist, Henry's also a chef. Here are his star cookies.
One of George's talents is as a builder - he built this house out of Duplo. Inside the shovel-door, there's a man watching TV.